Hyperspectral Image and Video Processing in Neurosurgery: the HELICoiD, NEMESIS-3D-CM, and STRATUM Research Projects
Brain tumor surgery is one of the most complex procedures that benefits from integrated digital diagnostics. Differentiating pathological tissue margins and interpreting multimodal data from a variety of independent devices are among the main challenges neurosurgeons face during brain tumor resections. In this seminar, the main results of several European and Spanish research projects, such as HELICoiD, NEMESIS-3D-CM, and STRATUM, in which the Research Center on Software Technologies and Multimedia Systems (CITSEM) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) has been involved, will be reviewed. Over the past few years, these projects have contributed to partially overcoming these challenges by developing solutions for brain surgery guidance and diagnostics based on multimodal data processing. Our long-term research goal is to increase the intraoperative diagnostic accuracy of brain tumor operations, with the hope of eventually extending these results to support surgeries in other anatomical areas.
Eduardo Juárez is currently an Associate Professor in the Telematics and Electronics Engineering Department at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, and Vice-Director of the UPM Research Center on Software Technologies and Multimedia Systems (CITSEM), where he conducts his research. He holds a PhD from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, 2003), Switzerland.
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